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2017: Outside the Comfort Zone
They know how to play and aren’t afraid to take you places you’ve never been. A winner throughout---just be sure to strap in
before lift off. -Midwest Record
I’ve fallen in love with their raucous style in only 4 bars... their
music isn’t just on the edge, it’s fallen off the cliff!
-Contemporary Fusion Reviews
Everything seems to energize by drawing on an
inexhaustible source. - Music Zoom, Italy
Redefines serious jazz. -Lemon Wire
The beautifully constructed music here just goes straight to your feet. -Jazz Views
Quite a special band, with a very special album. -Gonzo Weekly
With each song a concise tidbit, even if the solos are stratospheric, they return to earth quickly. Fun and frantic! -Jazz Weekly
Free Radicals create unique songs that plant themselves firmly on their own unique planets. -The Vinyl Anachronist

2015: Freedom of Movement
This CD produced in conjunction with Havikoro features all instrumental breakdancing beats. Free Radicals is joined by special guests guests Harry Sheppard (vibes), Subhendu Chakraborty (tablas), Nelson Mills III (trumpet), and many others. Freedom of Movement is a response to the decreasing realm of free public space. Free Rads and Havikoro reject colonization, gentrification, borders militarization, and other obstacles to migration, asserting an inalienable right of people to dance, make music, and create art in public.

2012: The Freedom Fence
The 2012 Houston Press Music Awards "Best CD" features 50 musicians, including rappers Krudas Cubensis, H.I.S.D, and The Niyat. Free Radicals explores Ska, Afrobeat, Jazz, funk, salsa, ska, reggae, marching band music, and much more. The theme is opposition to borders, specifically the type of walls Donald Trump wants to construct, even though we recorded this CD four years before the Trump campaign.

2010; Klezmer Musicians Against the Wall
A compilation CD featuring 14 international bands playing klezmer music against discrimination, injustice, and brutality! Klezmer Musicians Against the Wall oppose discrimination, injustice, and brutality against living beings. We support opposition to Israeli apartheid and occupation through non-violent protest, targeted boycotts, civil disobedience, and direct action. We encourage the international community to join us. Musicians know how people from different cultures can build bridges, not walls.

2004: Aerial Bombardment
Aerial Bombardment is a Free Radicals CD that doesn't really fit with the others. Recorded during a time when there weren't as many horn players around, the album heavily features Tom Sutherland on organ and Fast4ward on turntables. Recorded mostly live at warehouse parties and raves, the music cuts suddenly from funk, to drumNbass, to dub and is probably the weirdest of any Free Radicals material. The cover, featuring bombs with advertizing was a direct response to George W. Bush's insane wars against innocent civilians and the mind-numbing patriotic blather that filled our televisions.

2000: Our Lady of Eternal Sunny Delights
full CD in plain slip case
Featuring Latin music, funk, ska, reggae, Indian classical music, South African music, classical string arrangements, hip hop and poetry, Our Lady featured our first experiments with composed music.

1998: The Rising Tide Sinks All
full CD in plain slip case
Free Radicals first CD featuring 50 musicians took aim at climate change and oil wars 5 years before George W. Bush's attack on Iraq. Pakistan's largest English language newspaper later wrote: "When the Free Radicals put out their first album, "The Rising Tide Sinks All" in 1998, the album cover depicted Shell oil canisters leaking in to the ocean and an offshore drilling site pointing its many guns at an innocent octopus... like a premonition waiting to become true."

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